
A Group of Survivalist were traveling to a island in Hawaii for a Certain animals DNA, Soon after they crashed landed when the Pilot had a been impaled with a black spear.

Jordan Trace- “Thermite” Trace joined the Marines after high school, serving two tours in Iraq. After his discharge he used his GI Bill money to put himself through college at Texas A&M and earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. He then joined the FBI. After four years as a field agent he transferred to FBI SWAT. He is social, He knows when to relax, especially in social situations. He takes pride in knowing all of the variables. Trace prefers to be the one in control rather than leave things to chance.

Meghan J. Castellano- Know as “Valkyrie” An Olympic hopeful in the 200-meter breaststroke, Castellano split her time between the pool and the army base, where her father was a training officer. Her junior year, Castellano broke her arm in a car accident, putting an end to her Olympic ambitions. After high school, she enlisted in the Navy and served four years before attending college on the Veterans Affairs bill. Upon graduation, she returned to the Navy as a career intelligence officer. Castellano is singularly focused. She is driven and does not know how to give up on the goal easily. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission in the most seamless and effective way possible

Eliza Cohen- Know as “Ash” Born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. Cohen enrolled at Tel Aviv University after secondary school in the Engineering program. It was during this time she did a semester abroad at Boston University. After college, she enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces. Her engineering background made her a great candidate for mechanical maintenance and demolitions.She was later transferred to FBI SWAT due to an international law enforcement exchange program. Cohen brought her knowledge of demolitions with her in producing a weapon-mounted breach charge capable of blowing open a door or wall from a distance. She can be aggressive, impulsive, and overly confident. She is quick to action, which can be an asset or fatal for someone in her line of work.

Gustave Kateb- Know as “Doc”  grew up in an affluent family, in Paris’ 16th arrondissement. At twenty, he abandoned a potentially prominent private medical practice in favor of a career with the French Defense Health Service. Kateb demonstrates a high degree of empathy for human suffering; he is a rare genuine altruist. He sees military service (especially the role of CTUs like GIGN) as noble in their dedication to protecting civilians. He considers the front line his natural habitat, as it provides him with the opportunity to have direct influence and impact of the welfare of the unit. His proclivity for conflict resolution makes him a valuable asset.

Taina Pereira- “Caveira” Born seventh in a family of ten boys, Pereira had to be resourceful in order to get what she wants. Little of her childhood is known apart from the meager pension her mother received after her father died. She was six years old when the Pereira family was forced to move to a poor neighborhood in the outskirts of the São Paulo state. She only caught the authorities’ attention when she was 16, after her mother reported that she had been missing. A year later, Pereira was arrested miles away on robbery charges in Rio de Janeiro. Remaining poised and displaying intellect throughout the process, Pereira impressed the judge in charge of her case. He was lenient towards her age and character, which, he claimed, showed potential for socio-educational reform. He gave Pereira the choice between entering a juvenile reformatory (FEBEM) and working with BOPE in Rio de Janeiro. Sensing protection for her deviant predisposition, Pereira accepted to become a BOPE criminal informant.

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